
One Day. One Goal.


Brooke USA is excited to announce that we have received a $25,000 match to kick-off our fundraising efforts on Giving Tuesday From Elizabeth RWD Stroh.

Every dollar is matched dollar-for-dollar up to $25,000!

Last year we raised $58,100 in a single day, and we have high hopes for GivingTuesday 2023!

Lance Shoemaker has traveled to Kenya and seen the funded work of Brooke USA. He steps forward in 2023 with a $1,500 match during the Morning Power Hour (11 AM -12 PM EST) when you can triple your impact this Giving Tuesday.

The Rombauer Family is a long-time supporter of Brooke USA, and this year they are generously hosting the Evening Power Hour (7-8 PM EST), matching an additional $5,000 in gifts, making triple the impact.

Will you join millions around the world participating in this global generosity movement?

One Day. One Goal.

Together we can change futures for children and donkeys in Kenya.

Agriculture is vital for Kenya’s estimated 38 million people with the majority of agricultural production carried out by small-scale farmers. For them, subsistence farming is the primary (and often the only) source of their livelihood. In these poor rural communities, donkeys are the mainstay of their families, carrying out essential tasks such as:

· Collecting water for cooking, drinking, and cleaning

· Carrying children to school and goods to and from the market

· Working alongside family members to earn a living

The overall aim of the project is to support children as change agents in the promotion of knowledge, attitudes, and practices that improve and sustain donkey welfare. Brooke will run and expand Donkey Care Clubs in village schools in Kitui and Nakuru where children will learn how to give their donkeys nutritious food, keep them sheltered at night and treat them with kindness.

The clubs will ensure they are not susceptible to harmful belief systems concerning donkeys and treat them well. Children will grow up with the correct knowledge, attitudes, and practices and thus be better donkey owners, users, and caregivers in the future. The project is a long-term sustainability strategy for positive attitudes and behavior in equine-owning communities.

“I tell all the people in my village about what I have learned at the Donkey Care Club. They listen to what I say and treat their donkeys differently now.” 13-year-old Ian Maina, Member of the Thiba Donkey Care Club.



Giving comes in all different forms, and one of the most immediate ways you can make a difference is through online giving today. Donate today and impact the lives of working equines and the people who depend on them.



Do you want to host your own fundraiser? It's as easy as building a Facebook Fundraiser, creating a CrowdRise account and getting a little creative within your quarantine restrictions. Host a trivia night! Clean out your closet or garage and host a virtual yard sale. Have your friends ever wanted to know your secret recipe? There are multiple ways to raise funds and have fun doing it!



Visit our Brooke USA Shop to make a gift that truly matters this holiday season. Your donation will impact the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules, as well as the people they serve in the developing world, all while bringing a smile to a loved one’s face this holiday season.