Donkey Tails

The Adventures of Mr. Boo-Boo the Mini-Donkey


© 2021 Kim Schartow


Mr. Boo-Boo is a kind, loving, generous and joyful mini donkey. Donkeys have a very big heart and they spread love wherever they go…

Mr. Boo-Boo has arrived at a new horse barn in the Appalachian Mountains where there are warm days, hilly terrain, and an abundance of green grassy pastures. He is the talk of the new barn. He is their first mini donkey, and the horses have never before seen a mini donkey.

Mr. Boo-Boo looks different than the horses. His fur is grey, he has a big round snowy white belly, and a dark chocolate brown cross on his back. He has big brown eyes and really, really big grey ears that stand up showing soft white fur inside them. But the biggest difference from the horses is that Mr. Boo-Boo only stands 3 feet tall on short skinny legs with tiny little hooves.

Mr. Boo-Boo is put into a large grassy pasture with all the horses. Mr. Boo-Boo is so little, will the big, tall horses accept him and be friends? Well let’s see…

The boy horses (Geldings), are coming to see him on by one. They are touching noses. There is some whinnying going on… and some hee-hawing by Mr. Boo-Boo.

He has been accepted into the herd. The tall boy horses now share the pasture grass and hay bales and the water trough with Mr. Boo-Boo. Mr. Boo-Boo is very happy. [pic of donkey with big smile].

Now it’s time to meet the big girl horses (Mares). They are behind a fence in the pasture next door. Oh, one of the girls caught Mr. Boo-Boo’s eye. Her name is Clare Bloom, a friendly leopard spot appaloosa. Mr. Boo-Boo really wants Clare Bloom to be his new special friend. Will Clare Bloom want to be Mr. Boo-Boo’s special friend?

Mr. Boo-Boo and Clare Bloom touch noses through the fence. [add photo] And yes, they are now special friends.

The next day, the sun makes the morning dew sparkle on the green grass in the pastures. While Mr. Boo-Boo is grazing and exploring his new pasture, he finds a hole in the fence to Clare Bloom’s pasture. He thinks to himself, “I wonder if since I am smaller than the horses… can I fit through to be closer to Clare Bloom and graze in the warm sun with her?”

Farmer Bob said it was OK. So now, every morning when the dew sparkles off the green grass, Mr. Boo-Boo and Clare Bloom are found grazing together, side by side.

Stay tuned for more adventures of Mr. Boo-Boo the mini donkey.


© 2021 Kim Schartow


Loving and caring for animals is a part of who we are. As the owner of a company making natural supplements for dogs and horses, The Organic K9 and Equine, I am happy to be a part of Brooke USA – an outstanding organization committed to improving the welfare of working horses, donkeys and mules in the US and abroad. I support Brooke USA each month through your supplement purchases. Please join me in contributing to Brooke USA and enjoy the short story about a mini-donkey named Mr. Boo-Boo.  – Kim Schartow