Funding Vulnerable Communities Across the Globe

Over the years, Brooke USA has funded the work of our sister organization, Brooke: Action for Working Horses and Donkeys. Brooke is the leading international animal welfare charity dedicated to improving the lives of working horses, donkeys, and mules. Through Brooke’s work, we know that our donors’ funds are put to great use as they equip local people with the knowledge and skills to give their horse, donkey, or mule a better life.

Brooke USA also accepts unsolicited proposals from other organizations across the globe and in the United States that fit our eligibility and selection criteria and whose work addresses one of our four thematic focus areas. We take monitoring and evaluating our grantee organizations very seriously and we foster respectful and transparent partnerships. We select organizations after thorough review by our Board of Directors and require appropriate project-specific reporting.

Eligibility Criteria:

Brooke USA selects our grantee partners based on their demonstrated potential to provide solutions to the needs of vulnerable working equines and the people they serve and generate significant improvements in their lives.

Selection Guidelines:

Beyond the basic eligibility criteria, Brooke USA uses the following selection guidelines in identifying partnering organizations.

  • Impact – We prioritize organizations that can use the requested funds to reach the greatest number of animals and people.

  • Geography – We prefer geographic diversity when selecting grantees and strive to ensure a variety of communities across the globe benefit from our support.

  • Project Type – We look for program diversity when selecting grantees and strive to fund a variety of innovative programs in the following areas - capacity building, sustainability programming, female empowerment, and international advocacy.

  • Reputation and Referral – We prioritize organizations that are recognized and trusted. We also value our previous experience with grantee organizations.

  • Capable Management – Prospective grantee partners must have systems and processes for enquiring responsible management of funds, and they must be able to meet Brooke USA’s reporting requirements.

  • Organizational Need – We prefer to fund organizations with limited access to alternative funding sources.

  • Potential for Sustainability – We prioritize organizations that have a strategy for ensuring the long-term sustainability of their programs through development and partnerships, community involvement, income-generating activities, or other creative measures. Preference will be given to organizations that aim to continue their programmatic work beyond the lifetimes of the Brooke USA grant.

Brooke USA Aims To Improve The Lives Of Working Horses, Donkeys And Mules - Both Now And In The Future.