The Donkey Girls: Charlotte & Isabella
Meet Charlotte & Isabella, the beautiful Donkey Girls who have dedicated their lives to alleviating the suffering of working equines globally. These two ladies know the life they lead with lush pastures in Mississippi is blessed, and in turn, they want to give back and help their fellow comrades. Charlotte & Isabella have inspired multiple initiatives to help Brooke USA, including tack room change challenges, Brooke USA swag and Paint Hope Orange. You may recognize The Donkey Girls from their logo on Paint Hope Orange, or from their video (yes, they have their own video!) If you are interested in learning more about Charlotte & Isabella, make sure to visit to see their collection of items that benefit Brooke USA, as well as the beautiful designs they have worked on with their rescue mom, Brooke USA Dot Cathy Moss Dattel.
Slate the Dressage Mule – AKA Muli or Assassin
Since learning about Brooke USA, Grand Prix dressage rider Vicky Busch and her husband Eric have been generous supporters with the help of their dressage mule, Slate. Owning Slate has made the work that Brooke USA does — helping working equines including mules around the world — a cause close to the Busch’s and Slate’s hearts. Slate helps to continue to spread awareness of the plight of working equines in the developing world and the work of Brooke USA.
Patrick the Miniature Horse
GTR Patricks Vindicator (Patrick) is a 21-year-old miniature horse gelding. Patrick is well known and highly regarded by top miniature horse trainers, owners and breeders across the world. He was recently inducted into the Equus Foundation’s Horse Stars Hall of Fame. He has been featured in “The Miniature Horse World magazine” on multiple occasions, and has been referred to as the “Equine Ambassador Extraordinaire.” Patrick, as well as his team, Sarah and Jessica Schaaf, work diligently to spread the word about Brooke USA, raising funds and awareness at events and across social media.
Kate the Black Burro
Adopted in 2016, Kate stole the hearts of the Caldwell family out of Tennessee. Kate is one classy “beer burro”, an adorable miniature donkey who travels to events and parties raising awareness and funds for Brooke USA. She is famous in her realm of business, featured in several national publications such as People Magazine, Southern Bride & New Bridge Polo Club.
Kate and her sidekick Lizzy Longears are excellent examples of well-kept and cared for working equines. It’s obvious they both enjoy social events and hope to help achieve global impact for Brooke USA through social media.
Banjo came to our dear friend and supporter Nancy Goldmark last year as a three-year-old through Aiken Equine Rescue. He had been separated from a bonded friend and was living in an enclosure with goats. He was frightened of them as they were quite aggressive towards him.
Nancy decided he needed to come home to my little herd of three mini donkeys and learn to be a donkey again. Although scared initially, he settled in very quickly and became a loving, trusting, happy member of the family.
Little Orphan Annie - Zen Donkey Experience
Ruthie & Chester