This campaign is now closed, thanks to our donors, who helped us reach our goal.
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A fundraising appeal to alleviate the suffering and mortality of horses and donkeys in Ethiopia.
The Problem
When working horses and donkeys carry heavy loads to market for several hours over many miles in Ethiopia, they are often tethered in the hot African sun all day, with their tongues/jaws tied down. their packs still loaded on their weary backs, with no shade or shelter, while their owners sell their goods. Then the hot, tired, dehydrated animals carry the unsold goods many miles home again for the night. Even once they arrive at home, many animals will still not receive water.
Brooke veterinarians have identified that the major cause of mortality among these animals is colic due to dehydration. They desperately need shade shelters with water and feed in the market areas - not just to make their lives easier, but to actually save their lives.
The Solution
Brooke's shade shelters allow these tired little animals to have respite and some freedom from the sun, heat, and flies, then have a drink, a meal, and a rest before they resume their long journeys home.
From staggering loss to dramatic improvement
In two previously constructed Brooke shade shelters in other market areas, the number of equine deaths due to dehydration fell from 87 to almost zero, and the number of equines who were lost to theft fell from 54 to almost zero.
Monty Roberts
Famed horseman Monty Roberts, "The Man Who Listens to Horses" and Brooke Ambassador, has a quick message for you:
Download the 8.5 x 14 inch selfie sign
Download the 8.5 x 11 inch selfie sign